Centro Veterinario Ostia

Centro Veterinario Ostia

The Centro Veterinario Ostia is born on May 7, 1994 from the collaboration between Giovanni Meriano and Giorgio Cavina, partners in studies and work since university. Here, in the heart of the Roman seaside, Giovanni and Giorgio care for the well-being of your four-legged friends since more than 25 years.

Book a visit

Mon-Sat from 9:30am to 8:00pm
Centro Veterinario Ostia
Via Costanzo Casana, 47-49-49a
00121 Roma Ostia lido
phone: +39 06-5693742
email: info@centroveterinariostia.eu
Follow us:
CVO Giovanni & Giorgio


  • Complete clinical exam, orthopedic, dhermatological, cardiological, vaccine prophylaxis.
  • Surgery
  • Soft and hard tissues surgery
Laboratory tests

The Centro Veterinario Ostia collaborates with specialized veterinary laboratories for any kind of analysis (blood tests, cytological and istological tests).

Blood tests must be undertaken without having eaten since around eight hours.
Results are usually available within 24 hours.

We recommend taking an appointment, which is necessary if the test is to be taken on a cat.


The CVO collaborates with Doc. Maria Fornaro for echographic exams on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
It is necessary to take an appointment.

How does it work?

Veterinary echography is finalized for diagnostic assessment and the treatment of acute and chronic pathologies.
It is based on echo emission and ultrasonic wave transmission.
This methodology is considered as a basic or filter exam compared to more complex techniques such as magnetic sounding or TAC.

Digital radiology

The CVO utilizes a state-of-the-art machine for digital radiology, granting exceptional image quality and high detail resolution, which are often key to a correct diagnosis.

Veterinary radiology produces images (real, reconstructed, or digital) of the entire structure of the analyzed animal in order to provide useful information for diagnoses.

Info gleaned from the images allows the identification of possible micro-fractures, arthrosis or slight alterations in the animal’s limbs.

Canine-feline microchip-based registry

The registry allows to record and monitor animals’ individual and sanitary records through the sub-cutanean introduction of a minuscule cylinder-shaped microchip measuring 11 mmm length and 2 mm width.

It is coated with bio-compatible material and injected under the animal’s skin under the left ear with a sterile disposable syringe which contains a special numerical code identifying the subject beyond error.

Those residing in the ASL RM D area who would like to implant the chip will have to present a payment receipt for the following bank account:

cod 3.12.5 iscrizione anagrafe canina
8 Euro

CVO supports the Research

The Centro Veterinario Ostia is supporting the AIL - Associazione italiana leucemie, linfomi e mielomi.

AIL logo

About us

Giovanni Meriano

Giovanni Meriano

Doc. Giovanni Meriano graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Perugia on July 16, 1991 with an experimental thesis on canine arthroscopy.
Since his freshman year he frequented the renowned Centro Veterinario Gregorio VII, where he began working after graduation with a focus on surgery as his main interest.
In 1994 he was surgeon at SOS 24 Veterinary Clinic.
On May 7, 1994 he inaugurated the Centro Veterinario Ostia together with Doc. Giorgio Cavina, partner in studies and work since university. Since 1991 he is a SCIVAC member.
His great passions are apnea and mindfulness meditation.

Giorgio Cavina

Giorgio Cavina

Doc. Giorgio Cavina graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Perugia on March 7, 1992.
From July 1992 to December 1994 he worked at the Centro Veterinario Gregorio VII and the Rome Dog Track.
On May 7, 1994 he inaugurates the Centro Veterinario Ostia with Doc. Giovanni Meriano, partner in studies and work since university.
His fields of research are dermatology and endochrynology.

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Meet the team

Marco Amaricci

Doc. Marco Amaricci graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Perugia in 1996, with a thesis on the use of external fixers.
Since 1996 he’s been a pillar of the Centro Veterinario Ostia.
His passions are the AS Roma football team. And biscuits.

Marco Amaricci


Habitat Mediterraneo Ostia Center
Lipu Onlus

The Habitat Mediterraneo Lipu is located by the mouth of river Tevere, close to the Ostia's Idroscalo.
It's a naturalistic center realized in a place formerly occupied by an open landfill site, sadly known to have been the Pier Paolo Pasolini's death scene.

LIPU image: a bird